Me and my work
For many years Theatre was my passion. I ran a New Writing project at the Norwich Playhouse and the Maddermarket Theatre, Norwich . I was a founder member of Playwrights East and whilst acting and directing, I taught Speech and Drama. As a qualified Celta teacher I travelled to Italy to teach English and Drama during the summer for seven years. I have always been fascinated by the way ‘art’ is used as a means of expression; I have spent many years encouraging and eliciting this from others, in some shape or form. Around 18 years ago, I began to work with clay, exploring a new medium in order to enhance my own means of expression and creative instinct. I took a City and Guilds course in Creative Techniques and exhibited and sold my work. I began to introduce more glazing to my pieces and to use more print and paint techniques and so, with paint brush already in hand, I started to paint. It was the exploration that was captivating and I quickly became entranced by the freedom with which I was able to approach this. I took courses, drawing and painting in different mediums. Since I took the Anteros Diploma, I have continued to create, exhibit and sell my work and now I have a studio in the centre of Norwich surrounded by a community of artists. This is now my passion and I continue to learn, experiment and explore new ideas and approaches
Themes and mediums
Themes that inspire me are the changing and challenging world around me and my own inner world. Mood, memory, motherhood and the role of women, relationships, loss,transience and time are all part of my reference. It is often the ebb and flow of life and how it has formed and effected me and my own subsconscious that I am reflecting on and exploring through my art.
I work freely in mixed media and am often led by the process; layering with texture, adding and subtracting in a call and respond pratice. I am intrigued to fathom what lies beneath the surface and I find there is some alchemy involved when the work takes over and evolves.